Thursday, September 17, 2009

One Angry Doctor

I raced the Doctor last weekend and that would have to be one of my best races. I placed 21st overall, and 10th in open men which i was pretty disappointed about, but my time was 20 minutes faster than last year (again not that happy about the improvement) and I raced the best race I could. The heat was intense. 30 degrees with hot winds made it a full on race. I was pouring water on my head but the water was hot and the wind did nothing to cool me down. I had a great start and managed to get in the top 15 or so as we entered Old Mogo Town, and as we started the first long open climb I stayed with the leaders for a while, eventually getting dropped about halfway up. I lost a fair bit of time in the first 10km due to the technical nature of the fire roads and single track, but once we started really climbing I started to make my mark. Just before the first feed station I managed to catch Adam Franklin who has serviced my bike many times and won open men in the race in its first year. After that I lost a bit of time in some of the flat rutted tracks but we all came together at the 50km mark where i had a real fast food swap and chain clean and got on my way. after a few sections of single track for about 10km the big climbs got underway. At this stage I was on my own, but I managed to catch one or two people at the start, eventually Jason McAvoy (I think, Onyabike rider on an old XTC?) caught me an we passed two other guys and I tried to open a gap, but he got away when I stopped at the feed station. After the feed station an epic battle between me and some guy in white and yellow jersey began. I was smashing the hills, he was smashing the downhills. He got away, but at about 5km to go I caught him and 4 other guys including Mark Fenner who was walking, and I eventually beat the orange and white guy and the last real climb of the race.
I managed to do the whole race without hitting the wall, but It showed where I'm weak. I was losing a lot of time on the descents and I just don't know how to eat when I'm racing.

So now I have a few weeks to recover before the You Yangs Yowie and the Scott 24hr, so I might do a road race o sunday I try and do some hill climbs and bunch rides next week. Thats all for now, Ill get back to you when someting cool happens.

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