Monday, October 12, 2009

Scott 24 Punter

Had the Scott on the weekend. To sum it up, the coarse wasn't as good as last year, there were too many people and the first lap (which I did) was horrible. It missed the techy sections of the blue lap and the wicked DH of the red lap (there was a little though, and it was awsome). The race seemed to consist of riding on your own in the open boring sections and then meeting a train of punters at the start of any climb, descent or tech section. The race also proved ignorance is bliss, my dusk/night/dawn laps were so much fun, sliding around in the dust giving it everything. But the day laps were a bit sketchy. our team was pretty young (except me) but we had a pretty good race and got 2nd in the school category. A fun race as always, but I think they should go back to last years format, it worked really well.

Thank you CORC for supporting our team, catchya later dudes.

1 comment:

chops said...

a real mountain bikers comes with so many dif types of trail... ure so lucky to live close by,... and if lankylove needs to improve his skills stromlo will have u ready for anything..